Thursday, July 2, 2009


respiration involves a chemical reaction.
the process of respiration is

glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + energy + water

glucose -> from food
oxygen -> inhale
carbon dioxide + energy + water -> exhale

respiration happens in the mitochondrion

animals that contains chloroplast.

it seems that slugs have chloroplast in their body. they do not make their own food but they still eat. as to how they get the chloroplast in their body, the slugs feed on algea which chloroplast are derived. sea slugs are also included.

are viruses / bacteria cells?

this post is on bacteria. the other one was on viruses.

bacteria on the other hand is a single-celled organism.

a group of bacteria contains chlorophyll and use the process of photosynthesis to make their own food.
some bacteria are aerobic, meaning that they require oxygen in order to
Other bacteria are anaerobes, meaning that they do not require oxygen to survive.

Bacteria that are parasites live inside man, animals, and some plants causing diseases.
Symptoms for disease caused by the toxins that bacteria produce inside the cells.

Bacteria is moved by air and water currents, and on any surface such as clothing, hands, or any object.
They move themselves by using thin hair-like structures called flagella or by wriggling if they do not have a flagella.

There are three ways to identify bacteria; gram stain, respiration, and shape.
Most bacteria reproduce asexually. That means that new cells are formed during single cell division. Some bacteria can only reproduce sexually, with a male and female bacteria.

Bacteria are decomposers, they break down the chemical elements inside other living or dead organisms.

bacteria growth. cannot find something else other than bacteria growth.

are bacteria / viruses cells?

the answer is...

Because viruses are non-living things and so they do not need for food like living things. They are just light particles that float around the air and they cannot be seen by the naked eye and they can be passed on to other organism if touched. They attack healthy cells in living things. Viruses do not have an organized cell structure.They do not have characteristics of living things and thus, cannot metabolize food.

To metabolize means to change food energy into chemical energy that the body can use.

The virus injects its own DNA structure into healthy cells where new virus cells grow.

note that i am talking about viruses instead of bacteria.

Viruses that are mature have characteristics that help to identify them.

Viruses can not reproduce by themselves like bacteria or cells. They must attach themselves to the cell membrane of animals / cell wall of plants and inject a part of their DNA into the cells of the host organism.They do this by using a hollow tube structure to puncture the cell wall/membrane and pass its DNA into the cell. New virus cells are incubated inside the invaded cell. Once the virus DNA reproduces itself inside the cell, it uses the natural process of osmosis to leave the cell. These new virus cells would then attach and infect other healthy cells

just another video showing how viruses spread but this is the
Influenza Type-A Virus


ok, i should have introduced biology on the first day of biology class.
anyway, i don't think anyone would be reading because we have a project on hand and the 10% is not this but
the project but i just post it for the fun of it but that would officially start on the next post later on in the day which is later.